
I had such a great time discussing with Mike about my "philosophy". Afterward I wrote down some thoughts while riding on the bus.

I used to want to impress people, and I felt happy when people understood me. But now I want to inspire people. I feel happy when people, upon encountering me, would want to make an active and positive change in their lives, or even if they could just pause and ponder about life for a brief moment, away from the daily life. I want to have a good influence on people. I know it is difficult for me to actually organize my thoughts and start my own school of teaching one day. But this I know I can do--I can realize a lifestyle, a attitude. Through my example, I wish some people could become a little more open, more accepting, more forgiving, and in the end it could help bringing themselves a little closer to find what they truly want and need in life--love.


On the plane again. Now I travel so much it seems a good way to gain solitude.

Printed one of Mike's earlier e-mails to read, the one about his discussion with Josh and his thoughts on artificial intelligence and how human brain works. Then suddenly a light was turned on inside my head! Where do all my insights come from? Who sends them to me? How do I encounter them? I find myself more and more thinking about things metaphysically or mythically. I no longer try to find absolute answers in science. Is this just a phase? Or an actual change, a linear displacement of my comprehension or mentality?

What I thought (or realized, or gained insights to--insight is an interesting word, IN-SIGHT) is such, Mike is right, Josh is right, I am right, in all our approaches to solve problems and to understand the world. Here I would not say that we each has our own preference that kind of crap. I think we are on different point of the big cycle of human understanding. Each point informs each other! Mike's mechanical universe tells how we think, Josh's virtual universe tells what reality means, and I try to summarize, but my world view is also only a starting point for exploration. Only when one is enlightened and one with all, can one transcends everything and no on a point. (What do the Mikes think of enlightenment?)

On important point is: every point on the cycle is equivalent. Every point in the universe is equivalent, even two completely different "concepts" that aren't in the same category, for example, "red" and "eigenvalue". Somehow, in the big universe, each is just a point, and through each point, the whole can be gazed, learned, interpreted, and marveled. But it cannot be solved. There isn't a linear path to the Ultimate. Any path is only a point, and is equivalent to any other point, and thus no better and no worse. The Whole, the Ultimate, the Singularity, God, Enlightenment, etc., is only granted as a vision suddenly, without any reason, without any means of preparation. It is a gift. It is a blessing. Poetry can induce a touch with the Divine just as much as meditation or scientific inquiry (or even eating a burger, but probably unlikely since I would imagine that the brain needs to be active during the process, or the state of the being needs to be higher, closer to Truth).

OK, I know I am finding a contradictory myself just now. Higher is a linear term. In my view of the cosmos, there isn't such a thing as linearity. All is circular. In fact, all adjectives should be banned! Any adjective would indicate a linear comparison--high vs. low, close vs. far, red vs. green, good vs. bad, etc., and a scale can be made whenever we have an adjective. Hmmm--I must recognize the nature of adjectives. Do not dwell on them. Use them, play with them, but know that they are only what they are; they are only tools what we human beings use to perceive the world.

Talking about the wave nature of the world, and also its cyclic nature, these two theories can be nicely combined. In a wave, all individual particles go into a circular motion while the energy/wave front is propagated in a linear direction. I must try to learn more about the physics of waves. I want to gain some more insights.

But where do all these insights lead me to? Am I still trying to build my own branch of metaphysics? But I know the nature of my arguments--no better and no worse than any others. No way to build an all-conclusive religion or philosophy. Then what?

Only thing is to reduce to reality, and enjoy these moments of delightful insights.

Landing. Suddenly thought about Yin/Yang principle. This principle probably is "bigger" than my "wave" or "cycle" theories. I think about the yin/yang diagram and its ultimate elegance, and how two seemingly opposite "ideas" go about each other, equal in capacity, without a polarity or linearity. So, this will solve the problem for adjectives. For example, when we say in or out, there is no value judgment here, but merely a description of position in a yin/yang relation. Without "in" there isn't "out". Without good there isn't bad/evil. This subject seems to have been discussed countless times by all thinkers before me....

At a restaurant in Santa Cruz. I don't know where I am going with this. I am a little lost now. Maybe more later.


The best thing in life is to be in love.


爱情也是一种波浪,有起有落的。站在爱情的浪端上,感觉真是异常美妙啊。不站在这波上的人,只好愣愣地观望了。爱情之波结束时,也不必悲哀,赶快跳上另外一波的浪端,让它是友情,是自恋,是诗歌,是艺术,是金钱,是子女,是工作,是自娱,是思索,是智慧,是解悟,... 只要不是冷漠、绝望、cynicism、或流感的波浪就好了。迟早,爱情之波又要升上来,把你推上幸福的巅峰。对了,那句话怎么说来着?

"Be careful about the Secret of Love. Do not speak it to those who cannot understand. The time will soon come when you will burn like a piece of wood." --- Junayd

-- 感于玛雅咖啡 Mayacafe.com

i did enjoy seeing the moorish influence of the area, especially the buildings that fuses both muslim and catholic styles. truly inspiring is the mezquita and catedral of cordoba, for they also used the columns from the roman structures..... that alone was worth the trip.

i am restless. i am searching for a new direction to concentrate in the next few days before i go off to my job interview and the tasteless conference in san francisco. right now i have my photos, my stories, my readings, my writings, my musings, but i can't concentrate on any of these creative works. i feel i am floating again. it's tiring to be so free. i'd like to see some things more settled. maybe a job. maybe a long term project. maybe a home, a husband, a baby. i am waiting for love.

i think of you as a mysterious star shining above the earth, showing your light only onto me.

-- to t.w.

I have many flaws, but there's only one that I despise. That is envy. This is probably rooted from my childhood education, when everyone was constantly compared with everyone else, and self-evaluation in reference of others was critical. When I am low, I look at people around me and ask, why are they doing the things and having the life that I wish to be mine?

Envy arises when one concentrates one's energy on others. Envy is a destructive way to relate with people. One should always look inwardly, derive one's attitudes and actions from within, and enjoy what one can do with what one has in life. There are three "good" ways to relate with another human being: appreciation, compassion, and love.

Today I rid all my envy and I celebrate all of life, with appreciation, compassion, and love.

I'm back from Spain. I enjoyed the mezquita/catedral of Cordoba the most, because of the fusion of Catholic and Moorish architectures. I want to look into the Islamic religion some more. I know so little about it. Seeing the mosques with all the patterns and scriptures and designs make me want to understand their passion. Where I can start with my introduction? I am also about to read some St. Augustine.

I am almost done with my own Tao Te Ching translation. I am getting tired of it, Tao teaching I mean. I seriously think that it's not good for me at this point in life. I need some structures that will help me deal with real life, some simplified guidance, some reduced reasoning, some direct instruction. That's why I think I will pick a religion for a while.

I am thinking about the matter of love. What is love and why do we tend to lose ourselves in it, over and over again? What is it in the big scheme of things? When we love, our heart is tender, and our whole self opens up. Being in love puts us in this beautiful world where we are one with everything, and the loved one is in everything we see, we hear, we feel, we know, and we are. And then we are reminded why being in love is the best thing in life.

-- to master