I'm back from Spain. I enjoyed the mezquita/catedral of Cordoba the most, because of the fusion of Catholic and Moorish architectures. I want to look into the Islamic religion some more. I know so little about it. Seeing the mosques with all the patterns and scriptures and designs make me want to understand their passion. Where I can start with my introduction? I am also about to read some St. Augustine.
I am almost done with my own Tao Te Ching translation. I am getting tired of it, Tao teaching I mean. I seriously think that it's not good for me at this point in life. I need some structures that will help me deal with real life, some simplified guidance, some reduced reasoning, some direct instruction. That's why I think I will pick a religion for a while.
I am thinking about the matter of love. What is love and why do we tend to lose ourselves in it, over and over again? What is it in the big scheme of things? When we love, our heart is tender, and our whole self opens up. Being in love puts us in this beautiful world where we are one with everything, and the loved one is in everything we see, we hear, we feel, we know, and we are. And then we are reminded why being in love is the best thing in life.
-- to master
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