
My weekend has been generic so far. No deep thoughts at all. Maybe that's why I haven't been able to meet your expectation of writing something with more content. My earlier epiphany is not providing me any useful momentum, but at least it hasn't confused me yet. I need another one to strengthen this one.

Or I need new stimulations.

So I should do some cleaning again and decide what's important in my life and what I want to do. I think in the future if I ever say that I'm going to settle down for a while, I should not believe myself. Probably I am just not a settling person. I get disturbed too easily. But I think I'm a lot more stable than before, globally speaking. On any given day, I'm prone to changes.

-- email excerpt to JF.


conversation with master:

Jorielle: well... maybe the people i love are also ladders
Master: Everyone is, to some extent.
Master: But that is OK.
Jorielle: i find myself always 'jump out of my life' and see what is going on.
Master: Can you elaborate a bit on "jump out"?
Jorielle: when i think about something, i will think about what i am thinking about
Jorielle: and think about why i'm thinking about that, thinking about why i'm thinking about what i'm thinking about ....
Jorielle: i do that all the time
Master: that's meta-thinking. :)
Master: All meta-physicians do that. :)
Jorielle: what's meta-physician?
Jorielle: meta-physicist?
Master: Yes. :) Look up the word..
Jorielle: i want to "feel" useful
Master: Well, do that school thing..
Jorielle: : )
Master: or become my "student"..
Master: and you will be rewarded with powerful feelings of usefulness.

Master: But you could always tell them you want a second one in epistemology. :)
Master: Because if you do that, you will end having all of my abilities.. *plus* your own.
Master: You will be able to become a real *thinker*.
Master: A "generalist".
Master: And *feel* very useful.
Master: I sure felt like that while I was writing all the stuff that burnt.
Master: Just be smarter than me, and publish it on the fly.. that way it can't go into smoke.
Jorielle: i don't think i can ever be smarter than you.
Jorielle: in your field
Jorielle: when i was young, i always wanted to be someone who knows a lot of things
Jorielle: maybe "generalist" translated to english
Jorielle: but i have never seen that word in english until now
Master: You haven't seen the word cuz I had to coin it years ago.
Master: But there were people like that in the past.
Master: Your patron saint is a guy named Pico della Mirandola. 16th century.
Master: His motto was "De omnia re scibili".
Master: That's latin and means "From all the things there is to know".
Jorielle: that sounds really nice
Jorielle: i know chinese.. how can i make that an advantage for me?
Master: Well, you could actually decide to take up my project of one world language..
Master: each person's natural language.. yet, one language for all.
Master: (computer mediated, and using chinese, or at least "conceptual ideograms" as it's pivot.
Jorielle: well... you want me to help you work on your projects?
Master: You are still not there btw. :)
Master: Sure!
Master: There are very few people who could. :(
Master: Cuz only a generalist truly can understand another.
Master: For most people, we would just appear bright but unfocused.
Jorielle: i see
Jorielle: i am nowhere
Jorielle: i don't even have my code running correctly
Master: Well, maybe I should let you concentrate on that.