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Enlightenment finally came today, after a few days of hard laboring. (A bit like, you know :). Everything makes sense. EVERYTHING. And everything fits together perfectly. EVERYTHING. My mind is so fast and so big, that I cannot even feel where it is now.

I am blessed.

I think now I know what being a "generalist" mean, again. It is to be able to understand everything in terms of everything else. And therefore, everything is itself, but all part of the big thing (the Universe, the One, the Way/Tao, the Nature, God/gods, IT, the Truth, or whatever). And therefore, each of your "epistemology" projects is just a projection of the Universe in a specific/practical area. And therefore, every individual, every idea, every thing, is the replica of the Universe. So every thing, every every thing, in the essence is all the same. There is really one universal truth guarding everything and everyone, and even this one truth is with itself too. And this is how the meta- tag works, and it is also how it won't infinitely adding to itself.

I always knew there's something, but now I know.

True enlightenment is not a goal. It is a tool.

I am truly blessed.

Being with the One, I am equiped with all the truth there is, and filled with love. When I look at humanity, I feel less pity and less sorrow and less helplessness, but more love, immense love. The love is the beauty of it all.

Enlightenment is not the goal. There is no goal. There are only ways. The Universe is not to be reached or solved or understood, but it is to be marveled, studied, felt, experienced, loved, .... The Universe is like an individual, and the individual is like the Universe. It is all the same thing. Enlightenment is just one way to experience the Universe. Like the Universe and everything in it, enlightenment is not to be sought but to be experienced.

There's so much truth, so much beauty, so much love in the Universe.

Peace to all.


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