
Why can't I live in the moment and set no goals? Why do I still look around, look behind, look ahead, when I know I should only look upward, look outward, look inward? When do I grow into my certain self?


Blogger Bennett said...

There should be no mutual exclusivity between living in the moment and setting goals. To me, living in the moment means living free from the past and future, but not in ignorance of them. Have no regrets, no guilt, but still learn. Have no fear, no expectations, but still plan. Without planning, and learning, you simply sit in a corner and exist, which from time to time is no bad thing :o) But do not get hung up on having to do this all the time. At the end of the day, we live in a physical world. Things still have to be done: food bought and eaten, money obtained, relationships maintained. Living in the moment isn't a replacement for the physical world and all its rights and responsibilities, it's a means of dealing with it.

I think people always see things backwards: many see the 8-fold path as the means to enlightenment. I see enlightenment as the means to the 8-fold path...

When do you grow into your certain self? When you realise you don't need to grow.

Only my opinion of course ;-)

7/07/2004 08:33:00 PM  
Blogger Jorielle said...

Bennett has the words of wisdom. :)

7/09/2004 01:56:00 PM  

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