i am just very very very tired..... i haven't been sleeping much lately. 3-4 hours a day... but i feel i am in a state of mild enlightenment today. maybe i am just dreaming. but everything seems so wonderful and enjoyable and peaceful, even though i can't type without shaking (too tired). i sat under the sun and had a sandwich earlier this afternoon, and read a few paragraph of henry miller--yes, i am still working on it. i need rest, rest, rest.
enlightenment, conversations, random thoughts
All that reveals... that is...
Dedicated to all the beings in my universe.
Documenting the pursuit of humanity--beauty, truth, love--and peace.
Enlightened, 2004
- In the Light, May 12
- Random thoughts, May 12
- Recap, May 13
- Everything poem, May 17
- My Way, May 17
- é¡¿æ (in Chinese), May 18
- My spritual path, July 11
- ææ¯æµ·æ´, July 13
About Me
- Name: Jorielle
- Location: Los Angeles, California
a gentle awakener, a ready believer, a private citizen, a romantic dreamer, a tranquil idealist, an aspiring musician, a natural philosopher, a compulsive photographer, a latent poet, a wandering reader, a dreamy romantic, a practicing scientist, a ubiquitous thinker, a (no longer) lone traveler, a pensive writer, ...
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- email to TJ > I'm reading Razor's Edge, and Emper...
- email to TJ You are my master now :) Now I can ta...
- email to TJ I find myself imitating the style of ...
- “My life is more like one foot in the twilight zon...
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- email excerpt to F. History repeats itself in so ...
- I went to a piano recital today. The program incl...
- exchange with F. > Several people told me they li...
- Venus Transit, 2004 Pictures Who, but me, would ...
- >adagio wrote: >再多问一句: 有没有不信奉唯美主义的艺术家? 我就是什么主义都不信...
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