Once upon a time, I, Chuang Chou, dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was Chou. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man.
enlightenment, conversations, random thoughts
All that reveals... that is...
Dedicated to all the beings in my universe.
Documenting the pursuit of humanity--beauty, truth, love--and peace.
Enlightened, 2004
- In the Light, May 12
- Random thoughts, May 12
- Recap, May 13
- Everything poem, May 17
- My Way, May 17
- é¡¿æ (in Chinese), May 18
- My spritual path, July 11
- ææ¯æµ·æ´, July 13
About Me
- Name: Jorielle
- Location: Los Angeles, California
a gentle awakener, a ready believer, a private citizen, a romantic dreamer, a tranquil idealist, an aspiring musician, a natural philosopher, a compulsive photographer, a latent poet, a wandering reader, a dreamy romantic, a practicing scientist, a ubiquitous thinker, a (no longer) lone traveler, a pensive writer, ...
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- email reply from master: > I think/feel/know that...
- I am not only out, I am disillusioned. Seems sudd...
- I think/feel/know that I am getting a little wiser...
- Today I am out. I am not IN. I am out and I am b...
- 嗯,别笑 / 笑也成 / 笑吧 最近,我去了一趟天堂 看到了语言无法形容的感觉 是光是海是生命是真...
- Apparently I am out IT. When I'm out, I think. I...
- email excerpt from F. > Sorry I am still writing...
- meta-enlightenment My mood has been swinging wide...
- the difficulties of being ah-san wong read this w...
- No escape All thinkings are circular. Everything ...
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