email reply from master:
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 10:34:48 -0400 Subject: you are quick with that one
> I just counted the number of questions I had from yesterday. About 84 of them. Are you still working on the rest of them? :)
I did not count them, but it sure felt like 84 questions. And sure, I will answer all of them. In time. ;)
Today I am going to concentrate on this one, which was worth some attention:
> Just some morning thoughts. I really enjoy it when I can think a lot and fast. Makes me feel alive and powerful.
That's the problem with us thinkers. We enjoy the thinking more than the doing, and often no doing is done.
Subject: what do you think of this? (read me first) Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 15:03:08 -0400
> Today I feel very content. I am taking my own advice, "nothing is of any importance", so everything seems to smooth and easy. I feel completely fine. I am not eager to get more answers. I don't even seem to have any questions that I want to ask.
> Then, the question is, is this the end of the journey of me as a seeker?
Oh no! Just the beginning of Wisdom! ;)
> Nothing is of any importance. Now I understand this statement perfectly well. I even understand that, I can take something or myself or seeking seriously if it pleases me; and I can continue to seek or I can stop right here, and there is no real importance either way.
An objective evaluation of the true importance of all we think, believe and do is indeed the key to complete freedom. J
> I am completely free!
See! ;)
> I am still curious to see how some of my long list of 80 some questions answered. Or maybe tomorrow I won't be curious. And I don't care!
That's the "satisfaction makes him come back" effect, about the proverbial cat, I guess. ;)
> What's next?
Hmm, accidental caps, but it deserves capitalization anyway. Otherwise, hey, just write back and forth...nce this is all we can do back and forth for the time being. :(
Subject: Hmmm, let me answer myself Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 15:21:23 -0400
>> Then, the question is, is this the end of the journey of me as a seeker?
> This is not the end. I still want more answers, but I am not desperate.
See. :)
>> What's next?
> Perhaps the next step is, how to do it? How to be myself? Who am I? How to find that out? HOW TO BE?
The answer to that is easy: Follow the true inclinations of your heart.
> One day I shall be perfectly calm and burning.
Indeed, since that is one of the by-products of advancing Wisdom.
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