
email from master.

> I hope it is OK for me to still be vain, and want to be admired! Of course I know it is OK, because it is me, and there's only me, and I can only be whomever I want to be and I can only be me, and I am actually nobody anyway. And whatever!
But of course! ;) It wouldn't be as fun without it. :)

> Interesting to see that today everything becomes Zen- or Buddhism- like in me. It is so true that Being takes many forms (how else!), so today IT is Zen-Buddhism or whatever IT looks like. I want to follow the progression and see how every day I assimilate more things into Being.
You are getting Chinese. :) Zen is just Ch'an Buddhism (or however it is written today in pinyin. And think, you can even read the Old Master in the original text!

> (I started today by writing a "poem", probably too long, but it's a start)
See, you got it. ;)

> Back to the topic of being vain -- you have to tell me that I am the only girl you know who get IT.
Now, *this* is going to stroke your vain-ness in the sense of the fur, like people say in French, because fact is that you are only only female I personally know who ever got IT. ;) Actually I of course met a couple holy Indian women, about whom one could legitimately suppose that they share that state with you, but I couldn't say for sure.

> Or you can tell me you know a bunch of them. Either way, but the truth is better, since it is no importance and I don't get jealous anymore (because there's only me and not me anyway). But still, since I am still me and I am vain, it pleases me to feel "special", as "special" as myself. Haha! What contradiction!
Remember: Before, carry water and chop wood. And after, still the same. :) But you will notice that you will get less and less vain as the experience leaves a deeper and deeper channel...

> Actually I am curious to know how easy it is for anyone to get IT (what percentage of people, what types of people more likely, what age, etc.),
You know, this too is an interesting question. One I do not know the answer for. Except that they are usually older people, and more likely to be males, it seems.

> since it seems rather difficult for me, through a long, painful, blind process, in real human life anyway.
Indeed, it's not something that happens overnight. ;) But I do not believe the process has to be necessarily painful.

> I think I only know you.
I have seen quite a few people who obviously got it at the house of a friend who organizes spiritual (the house I am trying to get since he is moving out).

> I want to reply your email too, but later. I need to finish some work at school.
We we all have to carry water and chop wood. :)


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