conversation with master:
> Sorry I am writing you so much. You must take it as a sign of love for IT. The more I think about IT, the happier, or rather, more content, I become.
That is indeed one of the effects, and a good reason to justify why to pursue Awakening and Enlightenment (of one needed one). ;) Another proof of the genuineness of your particular experience...
> I think this new awareness is going to stay with me, because now my mind, however limited it is, has caught up with IT, and been set free.
It has, and it is going to be so more and more.
Awakening is to our minds a bit like things are when water starts to erode a channel in the earth. With time, such channels grow, making the flow easier and easier, and the result might end looking like the Grand Canyon. The flow gets easier and easier, until someday, perhaps, you stay there, immersed in the flow. Having become One with the flow. Being the flow.
> A concise summary of my current awareness:
> (1) earlier this week I was revealed to the secrets of Being;
You weren't "revealed" anything, in truth. All the secrets there is were always there, in you. There, just for the asking. You just *realized that* -- the reason why some people call this process "self-realization".
> (2) logic proves that Being exists; (therefore we can but surrender to Being, or our own power of being);
Logic and experience: Remember, you actually *experienced* it.
And about logic, you could look at this all as another illustration or form of "cogito, ergo sum" -- "I think, therefore I am". Like: I experienced Being, therefore "IT" is.
> (3) there are no new ideas, merely new perceptions (projections, instruments, performances; realizations or realities) of Being; (therefore exists freedom of choice of individuals);
Indeed. And understand: Don't believe anyone who tells you "Awakening is this, or Enlightenment is that". Me included. Don't listen to anyone telling you, you have to do this that way, or that, this way. In other words, don't listen to the media and to priests and politicians. Or even to "God" according to the Gospel of whomever, the Lord of Hosts, and so on.
The ultimate authority you already have access to, and always had, because it's embedded within -- deep inside you.
Here is a metaphor I just thought of: Awakening is like seeing your Self as the Godhead within, or even as God within. While Enlightenment is realizing that your Self and God are one, have always been, will always be, and that there is nothing else but God, that is, Being. And that, consequently, there is nowhere else to go.
> (4) find my own voice (i.e., a way of living; a way of being), learn well and perform well.
Just remember that since nothing of anything we do is really of much importance, or has any, most of what we were programmed to believe "important" is not in any way more important than anything else. Therefore, since it's a much nicer experience to pursue and do what pleases you, rather than what doesn't, you have all the good reasons of the world to pursue it, rather that what the System would want you to focus on.
> Can I claim to have truly enlightened?
That is up to how you feel. As you formulated it, it is certainly so. You said "have truly enlightened" and not "be truly enlightened", which would be a slightly different claim. One you might make as well, if you feel it is warranted: The only person who truly *knows* about either is, and can only be, *you*.
> Do I still need a master?
Same reply: Only you, your Self, knows that, and of that. Who am I to decide?
> Maybe a master in the pursuit of knowledge.
Such masters we all always need. To remind us of what the pathways are. And why we chose to take them.
> Subject: the way Date: Sun, 16 May 2004 23:27:25 -0400
It's just that it would be an occasion to write lots of valuable material that would answer your questions, but also many other people's questions.
Manufacturing answers is easy for me: The stuff is just there and all I have to do is let it flow. What’s hard is to get the right questions. So wasting any part of such a magnificent opportunity to answers lots of good questions is kind of annoying.
> I feel good and I feel I am already starting a new "way" of life.
It feels so, because it is so.
> There would be so much to tell you about all this?
A lot, indeed. Imagine that vast untapped repository of answers, just waiting for the right questions...
> Wow, you make it sound like there's some secret society of some sort that once I get over to the other side of the world, I were supposed to get handed down some powerful secrets from the past....
Yes and no. ;)
That society, in its ultimate form, is purely informal. And the impression that you’d need to go to the other side of the world to find the "powerful secrets from the past", usually erroneous. All the secrets are *there*, here and now, wherever we are. And even more so in the Internet age… ;)
And isn’t it funny to think that Americans would go to Asia to find them, and Asians to Europe, or whatever? And that Teachers from Asia go to California or Europe, so to become celebrities, and have to, since no one ever gets to be Prophet in his own village…
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