
conversation with JA:

Some questions:
What is the power or force that holds all these "universes" together? Or do they have no real relationship? I suppose I am trapped in my words: universe and relationship.
If I am my own universe (and I can understand this possibility), what causes or suggests or forces or encourages me to seek others?

There is only one universe, the Universe. Every individual is part of the Universe, separated, but one. You seek others, maybe because you are curious, or you want to "become one" with them in one way or another so you can experience the Universe better, or because by being with another, you are closer to the Universe? Note, when we speak of "experience the Universe", it is the same as "to be with God", "to love", "to be alive", "to be oneself", and all these things.

I am not very "learned" yet, not articulated enough, and therefore I might not be able to express precisely what I mean. But I will try. (I wish to pursue more knowledge, so I can better let the wonders of the Universe be known to others.)

> Then "to be oneself"? What is self? The Universe? A part of the Universe?

Each self is a part of the Universe, and reflects the Universe in each individual way.

> And love? The Universe, as well?

Love, as my master says, is a function of the mind, which I have to understand. I'm not sure if we agree on the definition of love yet, but then again, words are just words and they are not the meanings. (Hmmm, I guess this is what my master mean when he says, remember, the map is not the territory.) As I wrote to my master: I use the word "love" to describe this feeling of wanting to embrace, so it is the same as "commune", "unite", "become one with". Love is not the Universe, but an action. The Universe is to be loved.

> Different ways, but none better? What about "wrong" ways? There must be
> something to explain the lack of harmony (Greek harmonia: fitting together)
> so many of us experience.

Yes, there are only different ways, no better, no worse, but different for different individuals. That's why we are all different, and no one is better or worse. The lack of harmony in us happens when we are away from the Universe, when our action is against nature, when we don't "fit together" with the Universe. Maybe it is also another way of saying, when the channel of our love for the Universe is not open.

> I know you say the masters have discussed all of this. I am aware of most of
> the philosophical constructs of the West, and I have a rudimentary knowledge
> of major Eastern thought. Am I too trapped in these to see clearly?

What do you want to see clearly? Remember, thoughts are just creations of ourselves. It is not the Truth, so don't use the learned knowledge as a ruler to measure the Universe.

> Now I am hungry. I have other, shall we say, primal "feelings" or "wants" or
> "desires." On good days, I have noble "desires". Why?

Primal feelings or wants or desires are normal, because we are human beings. Celebrate the these feelings, because without these, we are not alive. Desires are just desires, different but still desires, and no desire is "nobler" than others.

> Perhaps I am too rooted in "thought".


I am just saying these things from what is leftover of my understanding.


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