
conversation with master:

Wisdom teaches than one must seize her own cubic centimeter of luck as it passes by, and do so swiftly, as otherwise it might soon be gone, to never appear again.
But as for the questions, I can always answer them. :) Answers are easy to me, it's the questions that are hard.

> And why am I always struggling to gain a normal life?

Remember, being (really) smart is being different. We ask ourselves question that make no sense to the masses... Let's hope they at least make sense to ourselves. ;)
Besides, you still need a good Master, as you always did. Perhaps *that* is the answer.

> What's your goal?

Live as long as Li Qing Yuen, and happy. Well, for example. :)
Or do like Pico della Mirandola, who pursued "De Omnia Re Scibili" -- All the things one can know. ;)
Or visiting Paradise often in the form of lots of good ...? ;)

Or all of the above, maybe? Goals can have so many forms....


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