
Found a little book Blossoming Lotus, Sacred Centers in Ann Arbor, in the Ann Arbor Library the other day. It lists information of 12 spiritual organizations and their interviews. I find some interview answers inspiring. A little summary here (red indicates the answers I especially like):

What drew you to spirituality? What was the turning point?
Reading Buddhist writings, and the movie "Gandhi"
Reading Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananada (x2)
Reading Gurijeff's Life is Only Real When I Am
Meeting with Rinpoche
First visit with Sai Baba, and the ensuing self-expansion
Spiritual guindance
Yoga class
Yoga camp and vows made
Be, see and be free. Guru is inner consciousness
New York lecture by Buddhist expressing, "no beginning and no end"
Heard words "it is destiny to live"

What was the first impression of Guru?
Awe-struck with boundlessness of energy field
A Divine vision because of glow and balance
Divinely majestic and loving
This man is holy
Love and compassion
This is a loving person
Merciful and miraculous
Brought far-reaching gratitude
Felt blessing beyond His person
Affable and intuitive
Dynamic and sensible
Stern and pithy
Eyes deeper than have ever seen before

What was initial instruction?
Be loving and compassionate
Be loving
"Believe in Love, have faith in Divinity and avoid cigarettes, gambling, meat, alcohol, and confrontation"
Have unity of faith in God
Go within the heart for truth to find
To reveal that Guru is inner consciousness
"Being alive and here and now is meaningful"
Calmly-abide in meditation
Basic meditation
Just sit straight and keep still
Ngondro tantric preliminary practices....
Mantra initiation

What was purpose of instruction?
To develop quiet mind
Help find individual attunement with God
To initiate spiritual path
To purify body, mind and heart
To bridge spiritual awareness to the pursuit of material goods
To reveal truth, right action, peace, love and ahimsa (non-violence) to uplift the world
To create more loving world
To establish equality
To draw forth godly qualities
Be your own Guru
To faciliate the process of one-pointedness
To affirm and being on the right path
To achieve lasting concentration in comfort and oneness

What is value?
Meritorious thoughts, words and deeds for all sentient beings with love
Calms mind, body, and connects with spiritual inner knowing
Calming, relaxing, Self-revealing and knowing one's relationship with God/Goddess
Gives glimpse of enlightenment and soul's mission
To relieve suffering
Giant step for Humankind
More love and world peace
Calm resolution
To gain knowledge and peace
Inspires compassion and reverence for All Life
Evolution of the human species
Guarantees sense of purpose
Affirms ability for being kind

What is everyone after in the secular world?
Happiness x3
Basic happiness
Good family life and enjoyment
Safety, joy and playthings
Material wealth, worldly success and excitement
Personal possessions and individual success
Greed, ego and unreasoable desires
Fame and goods
Most are busy finding this answer

What does the spirit seek?
Happiness x2
Eternally lasting happiness
Peace with reality
The Divine or God/Goddess
Relationship with God/Goddess
Merging with God
Merging with Brahman
Unifying Creation with its Creator
Freedom from clinging
Universality as wholeness
Full Self-realization

What is the benefit of having both secular (worldly) and spiritual pursuits or practices?
Virtuous behavior and community development
Helps create right action
Helps to support and anchor the other in reality
Helps raise collective wakefulness while relieving common stress
Balance, equilibrium and omniscience
To introduce equilibrium and balance of mind, body and spirit
Comfortable existence to fulfill spiritual duties
Comfort and nearness to Divinity
Integration spreads goodness
Sets an example for using prosperity to help others
Reveals daily existing as evolving eternal life
Each inspires the other

What is the number one aim in life?
Spiritual growth toward freedom
To know God/Goddess
Worshipping God/Goddess, and full Self-realization
Yoga or union with the God/Goddess
Achieving happiness
To achieve enduring happiness
To graduate forever from any dependency upon worldly life
Quiet of mind
Loving evolution
Constant engagement in promising and present moment immersion

How does spiritual practice differ from religion?
Spirituality may transcend religion
Spirituality places emphasis on experience of pure spirit whereas religion may place it on spiritual leaders and the corresponding perceived theologies
Religion can be social attendance that may or may not lead to creating a spiritual life-style
These compliment each other
Religion has external focus whereas spirituality has internal focus
In the spiritual world, every home and every body is a temple
Spirituality is the heart of religion
Sppirituality may provide deeper understanding of the present life
Religion may be a bridge to well establishing spiritual practice
Daily focus is upon God's inner presence
Practicing with the spirit is beyond dogma
Spiritual practice may require a greater open-mindedness
Depends on viewpoint - spiritual practice is often inner world while religion tends to be outside organization. There could be no difference at all

There is also a Glossary section in the end. Here are some commonly used or misused words:

Bliss - Seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and touching all creation with eternal gratitude for existence

Consciousness - Being in love

Divine equalities - Self-acceptance, commitment, trust, meticulousness, ecstasy, divine immediacy (patience), completeness, gratitude, service, discipline, reverence and harmony of spirit-minds and all bodies as the real Self out pictured from the mind's third (inner) eye or vision

Enlightenment - Borrowed intuition from the Original source of All Knowledge

Eternal - Bearing the mark of Absolute Grace

Freedom - Uncovered purity of soul, and experience in limitless space

God - Everything

Goddess - Everyone

Happiness - The state of complete peace and relaxation filled with intermingled innocent smiles

Knowledge - The feeling completely satiated, satisfied and nurtured nutritionally...

Lord - 1) Master of one Self; 2) a humble guide; 3) a sanctified spiritual torch bearer

Love - The square root cause of running, flowing, streaming and spashing waters of eternal life

Master - Anyone that knows how to wash dishes and feet, too, with sweetness and lightheartedness everyday for literally and figuratively an eternity

Peace - Even, light and easy breathing and posturing

Perfection - The quality of self-acceptance

Spirit - The life of life

Truth - Ceaseless, benevolent and pure atomic energy

Universe - The ability to recognize only the real Self throughout constantly changing phenomena and expressions


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