I just want to tell you about my current state. I have been more and more enlightened these days. My self confidence is at its best. I truly understand that I am very blessed with certain metaphysical talents that few people have. I have been talking to various people, physicists, engineers, philosophers, scholars, writers, ordinary people, .... and although some of them understand me in theory, and some of them believe me in their heart, most of them I know will never get it unless they open up their mind. Now I understand why the mind has to be open and empty before true wisdom can be pour in.
I want to quit science next year when my visa runs out, and I will study music. I have done enough formal research and I am tired of all the procedures. I want to immerse myself in the study of music, and I believe music can bring me further in my experience of life.
I was reading a little basic concept of Hinduism (and also some Judaism) the other day and I was surprised and glad that I could understand it so easily and deeply. I have never learned anything about world religions before (except when I went to a Catholic high school), but now I am interested in seeing how everything fits together. I am also reading Tao Te Ching, one chapter a day, and I write a physicist version while ST writes his own version. What's the use? I don't know, but it is all so fun and interesting now.
I feel I am truly liberated, or detached, these days. The future is limitless, and the world is a big playground for me. So now you see, I am still rising, and I am enjoying the new view.
Many thanks for the help on the way.
-- email to F.
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