
Sorry I am writing so much. You must take it as a sign of love for IT. The more I think about IT, the happier, or rather, more content, I become. I think this new awareness is going to stay with me, because now my mind, however limited it is, has caught up with IT, and been set free.

A concise summary of my current awareness: (1) earlier this week I was revealed to the secrets of Being; (2) logic proves that Being exists; (therefore we can but surrender to Being, or our own power of being); (3) there are no new ideas, merely new perceptions (projections, instruments, performances; realizations or realities) of Being; (therefore exists freedom of choice of individuals); (4) find my own voice (i.e., a way of living; a way of being), learn well and perform well.

The better we learn and perform, the better we realize and reveal the wonders of Being/ourselves.

I went to a Catholic middle/high school (St. Francis of Assisi's College) for 2.5 years and of all the prayers I learned, this was always the most memorable: "Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace". Interesting how easy we remember what we learned when young.

-- edited from emails to JA and master


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