
Reply to Bennett's comments.

sorry i am only a student and a very new one too. i meant to write you many times but you know how it goes with a student of "Whatever" (what do you think of this name? just a name anyway). yeah, really, one day i will get around to write you.

(as you can see, i am beginning to read taoism and other eastern philosophies. how interesting, since i am chinese and i came from the east, and after a long trip into the west--got a phd in physics, i finally looked back for more answers. lots of good stuff in the east too. lots of good stuff in the world, in the past, in people, everywhere. lots to learn. lots to share. lots to do. lots to not-do. everyone has to pick something that works for him/her, probably different things and different times. sometimes taoism works for me, sometimes other "Whatever" works for me, although there's really no difference among different aspects of "Whatever". taoism seems the most romantic so i like how it is expressed.)

p.s. i do want to become a teacher. sometimes i feel it's a natural responsibility. the time will come when i know what to do. until then, i'll be a student and learn.


Blogger Bennett said...

Ah, but don't you see - I was originally confused as to who the student was...! Someone musing can be equally as insightful as someone teaching, sometimes more so as they provide another aspect to the whole thing. You're already a teacher, and already writing through this Blog! Some of my most important insights were gained through other peoples' musings.

The other thing is that you will always be a student, just not perhaps learning from a Master. I don't have anyone guiding me, and yet I try to learn and consolidate my learning every day. I don't expect to get it all, but I still try. The same philosophy exists in Martial Arts, that you can never master a style completely, you can always improve and learn. And style is such a restrictive concept anyways...but that's another story :o)

It doesn't matter what you call your studies, your style: "Whatever" is as good as anything else. I agree with the excuses for using Taoism: I use it to, even though I accept the Zen Whole (and nothing becoming form, form becoming nothing) on top of the Yin Yang philosophy.

I also have a very material background: Western medicine and a PhD in molecular biology. My interest in all this was sparked by my Martial Arts training - not so weird once you read a bit about it. It was only once I started reading about it that I realised I was in many respects already there...very freaky.

7/15/2004 08:57:00 AM  

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